The Point Nepean Research and Education Field Station – Consultation Period


Latest Information – 06 March 2025

Planning approval application

The Point Nepean Research and Education Field Station project is now undergoing a number of permit and planning approvals as we progress through detailed design. A list of completed and upcoming approvals can be found on our website.

One of these planning approvals is currently open for community review from 3 –31 March 2025.  To review the planning approval application, please visit the Department of Transport and Planning’s website.

What are ‘planning scheme amendments’ and ‘community advertising’ periods’?

A planning scheme amendment is a formal change to the Victorian Planning Scheme, either statewide or particular to a certain municipality’s planning rules and policies. It can involve updating zoning maps, modifying land use regulations, or introducing new planning controls to guide future development and land use in the area. It may pertain to a particular site and outcome, such as facilitating changes needed to allow for a space or building, allowing an adjustment to the uses for the space under certain conditions specifications or limitations.

Each matter undergoes a consultation or public exhibition phase in which individuals or groups can read the documents submitted for approval and issue a written statement explaining your views about an application, and how you may be affected if approval is granted.

Community submissions contribute to the relevant government department’s overall determination and recommendation to the Minister for Planning, allowing them to make informed decisions about what conditions may be appropriate to place on an approval once granted.

For more information, visit the Department of Planning and Transport website.


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