The Officer Training Unit (OTU) Association Scheyville held a 50th Year Reunion in Windsor (NSW) and at Scheyville itself, over three days from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 October 2022. The event coincided with the date the last National Service Class marched into Scheyville in October 1972. Approximately 400 graduates and wives/partners attended a gala dinner at the Hawkesbury Race Club on the Friday evening. This was followed up by individual Class functions on the Saturday evening and a BBQ attended by approximately 250 personnel on the Sunday.
The Scheyville OCS Classes were well represented during the weekend. Class members came from as far afield as King Island and the Sunshine Coast with one member from the 2/72 and 1/73 Classes in attendance respectively. In all, 16 graduates and wives/partners attended the National Reunion Dinner on the Friday evening and 19 at the Combined OCS Classes’ Dinner on the Saturday evening held at the Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley. 17 followed up at the BBQ at Scheyville on the Sunday. For those who attended, the weekend was an outstanding success and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Congratulations must go to the OTU Association’s Organising Committee.
1/72 OCS Scheyville Class Wives and Partners at the National Dinner

L – R: Barb Prain, Gareth Ward, Mike Prain, Judy Brady, Paul Brady, Helga Deer, Bob Deer, Garry van Ree, Jenny van Ree, Richard Boyce, Margaret Stansfield and Gary Barker (present on the night but absent from the photo – Peter and Judy Whyntie)
OCS/OTU Class 50th Reunion Dinner Crowne Plaza

Clockwise around the table: Mike Prain, Jan Boyce, Richard Boyce, Gary Barker, Margaret Stansfield, Helga Deer, Bob Deer, Mark Howard (2/72), Chris Grigsby (1/73), Gareth Ward, Judy Whyntie, Peter Whyntie, Garry van Ree, Jenny van Ree, Anne Cotter, Judy Brady, Paul Brady, Graham Ferguson and Barbara Prain
2/72 and 1/73 Representation at the National Dinner

Mark Howard (2/72) and Chris Grigsby (1/73)
Some Additional Photos

L – R: Gareth Ward, Paul Brady, Mike Prain, Bob Deer, Garry van Ree, Richard Boyce, Gary (Shorty) Barker

It was a packed house. There was half as many as that behind me as I took the photo. Approx 400 in all.

1/72 Main Table with one ring in, Keith Michael. Gary Ward, Judy and Paul Brady and Pete and Judy Whyntie were on other tables for some reason.

Paul and Judy Brady. A lovely couple!