Class of June 1959

The graduating class of June 1959.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

Rear: M.G. Holton (inset) G.H. Nicholson K.A. Coote B.A. Malligan M.C. Webster K.W. MacKenzie H.T. Cameron (inset)

Middle: N.W. Spencer R.L. Bricknell J.W. Litchfield P.J. Ray B.G. Le Dan D.S. Heming

Front: R.V. Behan B.L. Hayhow E.J. Ellis I.M.R. MacLean J.G. Dorward
SurnameGiven Name/sCorpsContact Details Known
BehanRonald VictorRAEME
CameronHugh TiffinRAADeceased
CooteKevin AllanRAAMC
Dorward *John GrahamRAASC, AA AvnY
EllisErnest JamesRAACDeceased
HayhowBruce LoganRNZEDeceased
HemingDonald StuartRA InfDeceased
HoltonMichael GeorgeRAE, RACTDeceased
Le DanBrian GranvilleRA SigsDeceased
LitchfieldJames WilliamsFIR, RA InfY
MacKenzieKenneth WilliamRAADeceased
MacLeanIan Marshall RossRAEDeceased
MalliganBarry ArthurRAASCDeceased
NicholsonGrant HaigNZ Regt
RayPeter JohnRA Sigs, RA InfDeceased
SpencerNeil WilliamRA InfY
WebsterMichael CourtneyRA InfDeceased


  1. ‘Y’ indicates contact details known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly