Class of June 1958

The graduating class of June 1958.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

Rear: R W. Bleakley Sim Hak Kng Chow Im Yim Shaarin bin Khairuddin D.A. Gough Lim Poh Weng M.J. Ball D.P.J. Ridley

Middle: M.T. Lockwood G.C. Smith T.H. Holland J.C. Rodrigues B.P. Cudby W. Lunney

Front: P.A. Howarth J.R Clarke G.E. Chipman R.C. Tanner Q.A. Rodda A. Aitken
SurnameGiven Name/sCorpsContact Details Known
AitkenAlanRA SigsDeceased
Ball *Maxwell Joseph RAASC, RAAOCY
BleakleyRobert WilliamRAEME, RA InfDeceased
ChipmanGeoffrey EdwardRA InfY
Chow Im YimSCY
ClarkeJohn RoydenRAACDeceased
CudbyBrian PeterNZ RegtY
Gough *Derek ArthurRAASC, RACTY
HollandTerence HenryRA InfY
HowarthPeter AnthonyRAAOCY
Lim Poh WengSAF Inf
LockwoodMaxwell ThomasRAEY
LunneyWilliamRA Inf
RidleyDesmond Patrick JamesRAASCDeceased
RoddaQuinton AlbertNZ RegtY
RodriguesJames CyrilRecceY
Khairuddin bin ShaarinRMRDeceased
Sim Hak KngSAF Inf
SmithGregory CampbellRA InfDeceased
TannerRaymond CharlesRNZASCDeceased


  1. ‘Y’ indicates contact details known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly