Class of December 1969

The graduating class of December 1969.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

A Company
D.R. Cossart L.J. Hiddens* A.P. O'Brien E.F. McCrum D.S. Carter Khalid bin Saad E.W. Kennedy A.W. Ayerbe D.V. Jones

W.A. Ferguson G.M. Manley R.W. Howell L.G. MacDonald P.W. Englert M.J. Butt K.A. Duffy J. Wasson

N.S. Dearberg A.S. Byrnes L.D. Hansch P.D. Dale W.G. Evans D.K. Bowler J.S. Allen

* not a graduate of this class, see June 1970

B Company
T.J. Duffy G.F. Healey P.R. Ferguson N.R. Mannix P.I. Teece M.P. Thomas T. Kinsella* R W. Badley B.W. Morrison

C. Goodried A.P. Filer L. Shearwin M. Larocca Mohd Razali bin Osman J.A. Tymkin M.P. Moran A.M.Howell

S.D. Kerr J.E. Dossetor R.G. Bennetts K.M. Byrne P.M. Dennis W.J. Thompson N.A. Philp

* not a graduate
SurnameGiven NamesCorpsContact Details Known
AllanJohn StuartRA Svy, RA InfY
AyerbeAnthony WilliamRAADeceased
BadleyRichard WayneRNZAMCY
BennettsRobert GordonAA AvnY
BowlerDavid KeithRNZAY
ButtMichael JohnAust IntY
ByrneKevin MichaelRA InfDeceased
Byrnes Anthony Stephen RAEME, AA AvnY
CarterDavid StephenRNZIR
CossartDavid RobinRAEMEY
Dale *Paul DouglasRNZ SigsY
Dearberg *Neil SydneyRAASCY
DennisPeter MichaelRA InfDeceased
DossetorJohn EldeRAEY
DuffyTerence JamesRAAOCY
DuffyKim AnthonyRA InfY
EnglertPeter WilliamRAEDeceased
EvansWarren GeorgeRAAOCY
FergusonPeter RichardRAE, RACTY
FergusonWilliam Adriannot allotted
FilerAnthony PhillipRAAC
GoodreidChristopherRA SigsY
HanschLindsay DavidRA InfY
HealeyGeoffrey FrankRAAOCDeceased
HowellAndrew MarkRNZIRDeceased
HowellRichard WilliamRAADeceased
JonesDonald VivianRAAY
KennedyEwen MurrayRAASC, RACTDeceased
KerrStewart DavidRAAFY
Khalid bin SaadRMRDeceased
MacDonaldLeslie GeorgeAA Avn, RAAY
ManleyGeoffrey MauriceRAE, RACTY
MannixNeil RobinRAA
McCrumEvan FrancisRA SigsY
Mohd Razali bin OsmanRMRDeceased
MoranMartin PatrickRAEME
MorrisonBruce WilliamRNZIRY
O'BrienAnthony PatrickRAA ProY
PhilpNoel AlbertRNZIRY
TeecePeter IvanRAAFDeceased
ThomasMichael PatrickRA InfDeceased
ThompsonWilliam JosephRA SigsDeceased
TymkinJohn AnthonyRNZEY


  1. ‘Y’ indicates Contact Details Known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly