Class of December 1965

The graduating class of December 1965.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

A Company
A.H. Haneveld W.J. Cebula D.R Sinclair N.L. Reeves R.R. Hay K.A. Niquet N.B. Johnstone G.E. Cobb

M. McKeown J.T. Heath D.B.J. Simpson D.R. Taylor P.R Chapman N.J. Richardson A.V. Corkeron

J.R. Black M.A. Coutts G.B. Parker P.N. Busby B.V. Keevers K.R.Benier G.R. Ferguson B.J. Goodes C.E. McIver

J.E. Heron G.J. Dunlop R.V. McEvoy T.G. Roche M.G.J. Deak (von Berg) C.R. Brereton J.D.C. Watson

Absent: D.R. Graham

B Company
D.F. Catterall R.G. Radford R.A. Unger W.A. Ritchie R.J. Harvey J.A. Molloy P.A.R. Hills Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah

R.Mou J.W. Wilson B. Easter Anuar bin Adam H.R. Bush D.S. Laver A. Holmes J.F. Press Saidi bin Zakaria D.R. Merrett

E. Tomczak R.N. Maxwell C.M. McSherry D.R.A. Gilfedder L. Maclean A.G. Grant-Smith R.V. Jervis K.W. Guria D.P. Bent J.R. lson

A.W. Chant J.B. Sullivan R.V. McEvoy T.G. Roche S.B. Penny G.F. Cadman R.L.M. Tingley
SurnameGiven Name/sCorpsContact Details Known
Abdul Aziz bin AbdullahRBLF
Anuar bin Adam RMR
Benier Kim Raphael RA InfDeceased
Bent Douglas Peter RNZ SigsY
Black James Raymond RA InfY
Brereton Collin Raymond RAEME, RAAOCY
Busby Phillip Norman RAA
Bush Harold Ross RNZAC
Cadman Gregory Francis RAAY
Catterall David Frankland RAAOCY
Cebula William John RAE, RAAOC
Chant Arthur Warren RAACY
Marks-ChapmanPeter Robert RA InfKIA
Cobb Graham Edward AACCY
Corkeron Adrian Vincent RAASC, RACTY
Coutts Michael Anthony RA Inf
Deak (von Berg)Michael Gunther Joseph RA InfY
Dunlop Graham John RA InfY
Easter Brian RAEDeceased
Ferguson Gary Raymond RAAOC
Gilfedder Daniel Richard Alison RAASC, RACTY
Goodes Brian James RAE, RACTY
Graham Douglas Raymond Aust Int
Grant‑SmithAlan George RAASC, RACTY
Guria Kwago Wilfred PIR
Haneveld Arie Harry RA Inf
Harvey Raymond John RAAMC
Hay Richard Raymond RAASC, RAAOCDeceased
Heath John Terence RA SigsY
Heron James Edward RAASC, RACTDeceased
Hills Phillip Anthony Richard RAAMCY
Holmes Anthony RAASC, RACTDeceased
Ison *John Richard RA InfY
Jervis Ronald Vincent RAEMEDeceased
Johnstone Nigel Bruce RNZIRDeceased
Keevers Bruce Victor RAEMEY
Laver Douglas Steven RAE, RAAOC
Maclean Lochiel RA InfY
Maxwell Roger Niho RNZIRDeceased
McEvoy Robert Vincent RAAY
McIver Cameron Edmund RNZASC
McKeown Michael RAAOC
McSherry Christopher Maxwell RNZIR
Merrett Douglas Robert RA Sigs
Molloy John Anthony RAAOCY
Mou Rai PIRDeceased
Niquet Keran Allen RA SigsY
Parker Gary Bruce RAEDeceased
Penny Stewart Bruce RA InfY
Press John Francis RA InfY
Radford Roger Gordon RA SigsDeceased
Reeves Noel Lawrence RA InfDeceased
RichardsonNeil Jeston RAE, RACTDeceased
Ritchie William Alfred RAADeceased
Roche Thomas Gregory RNZA
Saidi bin Zakaria Malaysian Int
Simpson Douglas Brian Joseph RAASC
Sinclair David Robert RAAOC
Sullivan John Burnett RAE, RA InfDeceased
Taylor David Russell RAAOC
Tingley Roger Leslie Mark RAACY
Tomczak Edward RAEME, RAEY
Unger Robert Allan RAASC, RACTY
Watson John Desmond Cameron RNZIR, RACTY
Wilson John Warwick RAEMEY


  1. ‘Y’ indicates contact details known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly