Class of December 1958

The graduating class of December 1958.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

Rear: P.J. Morgan J.F. Mills D.A. Formby R.H. Draper C.J. Prior P.J. Tohill R.A. Ducie

Middle: R.G. Jenkin K. T. Graham C.T. Swinfield D.S. Baker Mohd Taib bin Mohd Nasir B.A. Hawkins

Front: P.W. Beale G.A. Quail N.S. Kidd B.R. Windsor D.J. Brian K.J. Beatty Long Seh Han
SurnameGiven Name/sCorpsContact Details Known
BakerDonald StewartRNZEMEDeceased
Beale Patrick WaldRA InfY
BeattyKenneth JamesRAEMEDeceased
BrianDavid JohnRA InfKIA
DraperRobert HenryRAEME
DucieRonald ArthurRA InfDeceased
FormbyDouglas AnthonyRAAC
GrahamKevin ThomasRAEY
HawkinsBarry ArthurRAADeceased
JenkinBruce GrahamRNZEDeceased
KiddNeville SutcliffeNZ RegtY
Long Seh HanSC
MillsJohn FrancisNZ RegtDeceased
Mohd Taib bin Mohd NasirRMR
Morgan *Peter JamesRAE, RACTY
PriorColin JamesRA InfDeceased
QuailGerald ArthurRAAOCDeceased
SwinfieldColin ThomasRAASC, RACTDeceased
TohillPeter JohnRNZASCY
WindsorBrian RichardRAEMEDeceased


  1. ‘Y’ indicates contact details known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly