Class of December 1952

The graduating class of December 1952.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

Rear: P.W.  Maunsell R.G. Colebatch A.B. Perriman L.C. Williamson W.G. Woods K.L. Duncan J.F.W. Cox F.G. Walsh R.P. Webb G.J. Shiels R.B.I. Hart J.G. Owen J.H. Sturzaker B.A. Gosman  

Middle: R.I. George K.J. Robbie P.J. Badcock (Badcoe) A.D. Stewart P.J. Collins L.J.  Lewis R.B. MacDonald J.L. L'Epagniol G.C. Baker H.A.F. Benson D.S. Dawson A.F.  Hanley K.F. Towning D. Fock W.J. Brydon

Front: R.J. Hilder K.W. Russell-Smith B.G. Florence P.C. Wood N.T.J. Williams R.W. Strong MM G.R. Smith R. Medcalf N.E. Ford H.A. Smith M.W. Meredith

Absent: D.I. Godden
Last Name First Name/s Corps Contact Details Known
Badcock (Badcoe) Peter John RAA , RA Inf KIA
Baker Garrick Charles RAE, RAACY
Benson Henry Arthur Francis RAA, AA AvnY
Brydon William Joseph RA Inf Deceased
Colebatch Reginald Gordon RAA Y
Collins Peter John RAASC N
Cox John Frederick Werner RA Sigs N
Dawson David Seymour RA Inf Y
Duncan Kenneth Lawler RAE, RACT Y
Florence Brian George RAE Y
Fock Daniel RAE Deceased
Ford Noel Edward RA Inf Deceased
George Robert Ian RAE, RA InfDeceased
Godden Donald Ian RA Sigs Deceased
Gosman *Brian Alexander RA Inf Y
Hanley Alexander Finlyson RA Sigs Deceased
Hart Robert Barry Ian RA Sigs Deceased
Hilder Raymond Joseph RAE Y
L'Epagniol Jack Lois RA Inf, Aust Int Y
Lewis Lawrence John RA Inf Deceased
MacDonald Roderick Bruce RAASC Y
Maunsell Patrick William AAECN
Medcalf Robin RAA Deceased
Meredith Michael Warren RA Sigs Y
Owen John Greenall RA Inf N
Perriman Anthony Bruce RA Inf Y
Robbie Kenneth John RA Inf Y
Russell‑Smith Keith Walter RA Inf Y
Shiels Graham John RAASC N
Smith Graham Roy RA Inf , Aust IntN
Smith Harry Arthur RA Inf Deceased
Stewart Allan Donald RAA Y
Strong Rex William RA Inf N
Sturzaker John Hector RA Inf Y
Towning Keith Frederick RAA Y
Walsh Francis George RASigs Y
Webb Roland Paul RA Sigs Y
Williams Noel Thomas James RA Inf Y
Williamson Lindsay Clifford RA Sigs, RAAF Y
Wood Peter Campbell RAA Deceased
Woods William George RA Inf N


  1. ‘Y’ denotes contact details known
  2. ‘*’ indicates Class Orderly